Thursday, November 13, 2014

Families of Those Living with Endometriosis

Living with endometriosis yourself can be challenging, but sometimes, the hardest thing is getting those closest to you to understand what is happening. Often, families of someone with endometriosis will not be able to comprehend what is going on in the life of the one suffering. This may cause the entire family to suffer.

Why Is it so Hard to Understand?
Since endometriosis is not something that you are born with, it may be hard for a patient, as well as their family to adjust to the disease. It is something you can't see, touch, or feel if you are not the patient. This is why many families will not comprehend endometriosis. If you haven't experienced it, you will never fully understand it.

My Experience
My mother has had a very tough time understanding the pain I go through on a daily basis. Before I was diagnosed, I'm pretty sure she always thought that I was just complaining about some imaginary pain to get out of things that I didn't want to do. Even after my diagnosis, she still has a hard time believing that a pain could be so bad that you can't get out of bed.
Some of my best relationships and friendships have failed due to this disease and the lack of knowledge about it. My mother and others close to me are getting better at understanding what I am dealing with, but it is still not easy.

What Can You Do?
I suggest that people who have loved ones dealing with endometriosis should read up. There are plenty of books out there that provide information about the disease. They can also go to support groups for endometriosis where they can learn how others have learned to accept and cope with this disease.

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